Not Too Late to Register for CBHA/ACHA Sesquicentennial Conference

There is still time to register for the upcoming CBHA/ACHA Sesquicentennial Conference - 150 Years of Canadian Business History.  The conference will be held on September 11th and 12th at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.

Highlights from the twenty presentations on offer include:

- Helen Sinclair, former President of the Canadian Bankers Association, speaking on the history of banking regulation in Canada;
- Professor Brian Gettler speaking on Indigenous Business History in Canada;
- Author Laurence Mussio talking about his recent project writing the 200th anniversary for the Bank of Montreal;
- Former Globe & Mail journalist Gordon Pitts profiles six business tycoons from Canada's business history;
- Stan Sudol discusses 150 years of Canadian mining;
- Tabitha Fritz tells the story of Viola MacMillan, a legenday female mining personality;
- Keynote dinner speaker Jim Leech, former CEO of Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, talks about the role of pension funds in Canada's business history.

You are welcome to attend some or all of the conference, including lunches, dinner, and more.

Register today HERE.

Not Too Late to Register for CBHA/ACHA Sesquicentennial Conference

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