Introducing the Keynote Speakers – 150 Years of Canadian Business Conference

The CBHA/ACHA is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for its upcoming sesquicentennial conference 150 Years of Canadian Business:

Mr. Robert McIntosh, Director-General, Library & Archives Canada
The Role of the Archives in Canada's Business History
Keynote Lunch: September 11th

Mr Jim Leech, Former Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
Pension Plans and Canadian Business - Past, Present and Future
Keynote Dinner: September 11th

Mr. Perrin Beatty, President & CEO, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Commerce in Canada's Business History
Keynote Lunch: September 12th

The conference, to be held September 11th-12th, 2017 at the Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, is multi-disciplinary and open to participation by academics, business leaders, professional archivists, students, and the public.  The conference will present a range of session topics on business sectors that have played an important role in shaping the Canadian economy since Confederation.


Introducing the Keynote Speakers – 150 Years of Canadian Business Conference

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