Power Corporation of Canada and Great-West Lifeco – Presenting Sponsors for the 150 Years of Canadian Business History Conference.


The Canadian Business History Association - l'association canadienne pour l'histoire des affaires (CBHA/ACHA) is pleased to announce that Power Corporation of Canada and Great-West Lifeco, a member of the Power Financial Corporation group of companies, have agreed to be the Presenting Sponsors for the upcoming sesquicentennial conference 150 Years of Canadian Business History.

The conference is a national event programmed to highlight 150 Years of Canadian Business being held September 11th-12th, 2017 at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.  The conference is multi-disciplinary and open to participation by academics, business leaders, professional archivists and the public. It will present a range of session topics on business sectors that have played an important role in shaping the Canadian economy since Confederation.  Keynote dinner and luncheon speakers will be presented by high-profile experts and will address broad issues on several topics.

The CBHA/ACHA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the pursuit of Canadian business history and its role both domestically and in world business history.  Its specific aims include encouraging more studies of enterprise by Canadians and in Canada, helping build and maintain well-structured and open business archives, providing those who study business history a forum for discussing their research with those who practice business, encouraging research projects on relevant subjects and providing funding for such research,  and in general encouraging the study of business history in Canada.  Membership in the association is open to individuals, firms, and groups.

Incorporated in 1925, Power Corporation of Canada is a diversified international management and holding company with interests in companies in the financial services, renewable energy, communications and other business sectors in North America, Europe and Asia.

Great-West Lifeco is an international financial services holding company with interests in life insurance, health insurance, retirement and investment services, asset management and reinsurance businesses. Great-West Lifeco's Canadian operating companies, Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life were founded in Canada in 1891, 1874, and 1847 respectively.

For more information, the complete agenda, and to register for the Conference, CLICK HERE.

Power Corporation of Canada and Great-West Lifeco – Presenting Sponsors for the 150 Years of Canadian Business History Conference.

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