CBHA/ACHA Webinar Talk “History of Banking” Now Available on YouTube Channel

The April 14th CBHA/ACHA Webinar Talk "150 Years of Canadian Banking and a Look Into the Future" is now available for viewing on the organization's YouTube Channel.

The Canadian Banking System has a stellar international reputation. This is NOT because of recent developments but rather it is because the Fathers of Confederation, based on their observations of the American Banking System, opted for banking as a Federal function NOT state nor provincial. Having made that decision they rejected the proposed 1869 legislation modeled on the American National Bank Acts and came up with a unique Canadian system. This was one of the greatest achievements of the Macdonald government, and arguably far more important than the protective tariff or the construction of the CPR. And yet few historians, other than Arthur Lower, even mention it.

Janet Ecker, former Ontario Minister of Finance & former CEO of TFSA

Joe Martin, President of CBHA/ACHA and co-author of From Wall Street to Bay Street, The Origins and Evolution of American and Canadian Finance.
Professor James Darroch, CIT Chair in Financial Services Schulich School of Business, and author of Canadian Banks and Global Competition.

You can view the presentation HERE.

CBHA/ACHA Webinar Talk “History of Banking” Now Available on YouTube Channel

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