Call for Papers – Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing

20th Biennial Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM) and 4th Doctoral Workshop on Historical Methods in Marketing Scholarship June 4-6, 2021: Duke University, Durham, NC

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We invite business, marketing, social science, and humanities scholars from all backgrounds to join us at Duke University for a friendly, collegial, and interdisciplinary research conference focused on the history of marketing and advertising. We call on scholars from around the globe to examine the historical interrelationship of marketing and advertising and cultural change.

Both individual papers and entire panels on all aspects of marketing history, historic marketing, and the history of marketing thought in all geographic areas and all historical time frames are welcome. In accord with the Conference theme, we welcome papers that both examine the history of marketing as a discipline and also critically draw on marketing as a source in reconstructing the past. Topics may include but are not exclusively restricted to the following:
• Marketing pioneers
• Histories of the development and evolution of the marketing discipline
• Varieties of marketing cultures and histories;
• Writing the past: constructing histories in/for marketing;
• Exploring the historical role of relationships and networks in marketing;
• Historical Marketing in the projection of national and regional identities.
• Histories of branding and brand development;
• History and Marketing research;
• Marketing history "from below" - how consumers and citizens respond to and interact with firms and brands;
• Advertising history;
• Distribution and packaging history;
• Sector case studies with historical focus, for example beauty and fashion marketing, transportation, leisure, etc.

We also encourage historical submissions that discuss methodological, pedagogical and historiographical questions in marketing.

Early Bird Deadline: 28 August 2020
(with notices to authors guaranteed for 4 December 2020).
Regular Deadline: 27 November 2020.
Direct submission to

Call for Papers – Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing

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