Chris Kobrak Research Fellowship Appointment Announced

The CBHA/ACHA is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2019-21 Chris Kobrak Research Fellowship in Canadian business history is Dr Matthew Hollow, for his project: Managing banking crises: Historical lessons from the handling of the Home Bank of Canada and the Canadian Commercial Bank collapses.

Dr Hollow is a Lecturer in Strategy at the Management School at the University of York. His research is based around utilizing historically-informed insights to contribute to contemporary debates in strategy and management. The work that has emerged from this research has led to the publication of a number of independently peer-reviewed articles, chapters and books.

Dr Hollow is the second recipient of the award, which honours CBHA/ACHA founding co-chair Chris Kobrak, a renowned scholar of financial history. Research Fellows will receive up to $5,000 per year over two years, for a total of up to $10,000, to support the completion of their  project.  Academic support and oversight will be provided by an Academic Advisory Board drawn from the CBHA/ACHA’s membership. The inaugural recipient (2017-19) was Dr Stefano Tijerina of the University of Maine.

Chris Kobrak Research Fellowship Appointment Announced

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