Call for sponsored panels and papers for Canadian Historical Association (CHA) meeting at Western University, June 1-3, 2020

The Canadian Business History Association/l'Association canadienne pour l'histoire des affaire (CBHA/ACHA) is an affiliated committee of the Canadian Historical Association (CHA) and will be sponsoring panels for the upcoming CHA Annual Meeting, which will take place June 1-3, 2020 at Western University.

We encourage scholars to submit either: a) a full panel proposal; or b) an individual paper proposal (we will aggregate into a panel). For details on proposal requirements, please refer to the CHA Call for Papers HERE.

The CBHA/ACHA supports work that falls under the broad umbrella of business history, including that which concerns consumer, labour, financial, economic and cultural history dimensions of business and capitalism. Non-Canadian topics are welcome.

Please note that CHA deadline to submit proposals is October 15th, so we would need to receive your proposals by Friday, October 11th at the latest, so that we may make decisions and aggregate submissions. Please direct proposals to Andrew Ross at

Students and scholars within five years of the PhD are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Please note that all CBHA members may apply for CBHA/ACHA travel funding for any conference where they intend to present on a business history topic.

Call for sponsored panels and papers for Canadian Historical Association (CHA) meeting at Western University, June 1-3, 2020

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