Books by CBHA/ACHA Members Now Available

booksBooks written by members of the CBHA/ACHA are now listed and available.  These books include:

Janis Thiessen, Not Talking Union: An Oral History of North American Mennonites and Labour, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016.

Janis Thiessen, Manufacturing Mennonites: Work and Religion in Post-War Manitoba, University of Toronto Press, 2013.

J. Andrew Ross, Joining the Clubs: The Business of the National Hockey League to 1945, Syracuse University Press, 2015.

Joe Martin, Relentless Change: A Case Book for the Study of Canadian Business History, University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Mark S. Bonham, Notables: 101 Global LGBTQ People Who Changed the World, University of Toronto Press, 2015.

Find the complete list and description of the books HERE

Books by CBHA/ACHA Members Now Available

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