CBHA/ACHA Is Pleased to Welcome Rod McQueen as a Member

rodmcqueenThe Canadian Business History Association/l'association canadienne pour l'histoire des affaires (CBHA/ACHA) is pleased to welcome Rod McQueen as a member of the organization.  An award-winning Canadian journalist and author, Rod’s focus has primarily been on business, the economy, and international trade.  He has published fifteen books, notably Who Killed Confederation Life (1997, National Book Award), The Eatons: The Rise and Fall of Canada’s Royal Family (1998, Canadian Author’s Association award in history), ManuLife: How Dominic D’Allessandro Built a Global Giant and Fought to Save It (2009), and  Blackberry: The Inside Story of Research in Motion (2010).  You can read more about Rod McQueen, and follow his blog, at his personal website HERE.

CBHA/ACHA Is Pleased to Welcome Rod McQueen as a Member

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