CBHA/ACHA 2019 McGill University Conference a Huge Success

The CBHA/ACHA Annual Conference held at McGill University from on June 19th-20th, 2019 was a huge success. The conference, titled Crossing Boundaries and Constructing Linkages: The History of Montreal's Square Mile in National and International Context, focused on the social and economic history of the Golden Square Mile in Montreal. Over 75 participants attended the event.

A summary of the synopsis and agenda of the conference can be viewed HERE.

Highlights of the conference include the academic presentations themselves, an architectural walking tour of the Square Mile, a reception at historic Forget House, a presentation of contemporary art at the McGill School of Architecture, and the closing banquet at the Faculty Club, all seen below in photos.

Thank you to everyone who attended and presented at the conference. Stay tuned for information about the edited book of presentations from the conference. Congratulations to CBHA/ACHA member Professor Donald Nerbas and Elizabeth Kirkland of Dawson College, the conveners of the event.

CBHA/ACHA 2019 McGill University Conference a Huge Success

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