Best Book in Canadian Business History 2019 Award Presentation Now On CBHA/ACHA YouTube Channel

The presentation ceremony for the 2019 CBHA/ACHA Best Book in Canadian Business History, held on June 3rd, 2019 at the National Club in Toronto, Canada, is now available for viewing on the CBHA/ACHA YouTube Channel.

The award was presented to Professor Michael Stamm of the University of Michigan for his insightful book Dead Tree Media: Manufacturing the Newspaper in 20th Century North America (Johns Hopkins Press, 2018).

You can view the presentation video HERE.

The event was also covered by various media outlets. You can
Read the Financial Post Review and book excerpts HERE
Read the CBC Review HERE
The event was tweeted by Fulbright Canada (@fulbrightcanada)

Best Book in Canadian Business History 2019 Award Presentation Now On CBHA/ACHA YouTube Channel

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