CBHA/ACHA Announces The 2017-18 CBHA/ACHA Research Fellowship


The CBHA/ACHA, Canada’s leading organization for the study of business in Canada, offers support for a research project in an area of Canadian business history.  Applicants are encouraged to think creatively in developing proposals that will result in an academic product (scholarly article, book project, digital, oral or public history project) that advances our understanding of some aspect of Canadian business history.  The field of study is open, to any area or time period, but the Grants Committee especially encourages proposals that embrace questions that emerge from the global and international challenges faced by Canadian business.  One particular area of interest for the CBHA/ACHA is the internationalization of Canadian financial services.

The successful applicant will receive up to $5,000 per year over two years, for a total of up to $10,000, to support the completion of the project.  Academic support and oversight will be provided by an Academic Advisory Board drawn from the CBHA’s membership.  The Research Fellowship is open to graduate students (MA, PhD., MBA), and postgraduate scholars at an early stage of their academic careers (within ten years of completing their degrees).

Deadline for applications to the CBHA Research Fellowship is 31 March, 2017.  Applicants should include a cover letter, detailed project proposal, and curriculum vitae to be sent to the CBHA Grants Committee, c/o Professor Dimitry Anastakis, Trent University, Lady Eaton College N112, 1600 West Bank South, Peterborough, ON K9L 0G2.  Enquirees and applications can also be sent to danastakis@trentu.ca

CBHA/ACHA Announces The 2017-18 CBHA/ACHA Research Fellowship

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