Call for Papers – Association of Business Historians (ABH) Annual Conference 2017


A ' Call for Papers' has been issued by the Association of Business Historians (ABH) for its Annual Conference 2017 at the University of Glasgow, June 29 - July 1, 2017.

The theme of the 2017 ABH conference is ‘The human factor in business history’. Proposals for individual papers or for full sessions, panel discussions or other 2 session formats are invited on this topic, broadly conceived. Specific topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Entrepreneurs, managers and/or workers
  • Leadership in business
  • Biographical and prosopographical approaches to business history
  • Networks and hierarchies in business as social systems
  • Cross-cultural issues in business and management
  • The impact of automation and technology on human interaction in the workplace
  • Industrial relations and human resource management
  • Gender roles and relations in the workplace
  • The human bases of company behaviour and misbehaviour
  • The human factor in SMEs, family enterprise, corporations and/or MNEs
  • Local, regional, national and transnational networks and business
  • The workplace as a community and focus for identity
  • Business and social movements
  • The impact of work and production on humans and the physical environment

As always, the ABH also welcomes proposals that are not directly related to the conference theme.

The deadline for submissions is 15 January, 2017.  More information can be found at:

Call for Papers – Association of Business Historians (ABH) Annual Conference 2017

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