Mark your Calendars for the First CBHA/ACHA Annual General Meeting

cbhalogoWe extend an invitation to attend the historic First Annual General Meeting of Members of the Canadian Business History Association/l'association canadienne pour l'histoire des affaires (CBHA/ACHA).

In addition to the formal business required of electing directors, reviewing financial statements, and getting an update on membership, we have arranged for a trio of fascinating members to each give a brief talk on some subjects relevant to Canadian business history and this new organization.  Specifically, we are pleased to welcome:

  • Andrea Schneider -  President, Geschäftsführerin, GUG, Germany (the German business history organization).  The GUG has been in operation for more than 20 years, and Andrea will inform us of their history, how they operate, and what they have accomplished.
  • University Emeritus Professor Doug McCalla – a renowned Canadian historian, Doug will discuss the current state of the study of Canadian business history.
  • Amy Korczynski and M. Stephen Salmon – two noted archivists, Amy and Stephen will discuss the current state of business archives management in Canada.

This promises to be productive and very educational, and we hope you will be able to join us for this historic meeting.

Date:            Tuesday May 3, 2016

Time:           4:30pm

Location:       Rotman School of Management, Room  157, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario

Formal Business

  1. Welcome and Introductions Professor Dimitry Anastakis, Chair
  1. Secretary's Report Mark Bonham, Secretary/Treasurer
    1. Regrets
    2. Proper notice given
    3. Confirmation of quorum
  1. Founder’s Comments Professor Chris Kobrak, Vice-Chair
  1. Election of Directors Professor Dimitry Anastakis
  1. Financial Report Mark Bonham, Secretary/Treasurer
  1. Member’s Report, Professor Dimitry Anastakis
  1. Member Questions and Answers , Professor Dimitry Anastakis
  1. Adjournment of Formal Business

Comfort Break

Speaker Session 1 (15 minutes)

An update from a European business history organization

Andrea Schneider, President, Geschäftsführerin, GUG, Germany

Overview of GUG – mission, history, organization structure, membership, activities.

Speaker Session 2 (15 minutes)

The State of Business History in Canada

University Professor Emeritus Doug McCalla, University of Guelph, Department of History

Speaker Session 3 (15 minutes)

The State of Business Archival Management in Canada – Fireside Chat

Amy Korzcynski, Archivist, TD Bank Group

Stephen Salmon, retired, Library & Archives Canada

Mark your Calendars for the First CBHA/ACHA Annual General Meeting

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