Last Chance – CBHA/ACHA Best Book in Canadian Business History Award

Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2019

The CBHA/ACHA, Canada’s leading organization for the study of business in Canada, offers a bi-annual prize for the Best Book in Canadian Business History, broadly defined. The prize committee encourages the submission of books from all methodological perspectives. It is particularly interested in innovative studies that have the potential to expand the boundaries of the discipline. Scholars, publishers, and other interested parties may submit nominations. Eligible books can have either a Canadian or an international focus, which includes a Canadian perspective. They must be written in English or French and be published during the two years prior to the award, that is, in 2017 and 2018. Thanks to the generous donation of an anonymous donor, the award includes a prize of $10,000.

Four copies of a book must accompany a nomination and be submitted to the CBHA Prize Coordinator, Professor Dimitry Anastakis, of Trent University, Department of History, LEC S 101, Trent University,1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, ON Canada K9L 0G2.  Enquires and applications can also be sent to

Last Chance – CBHA/ACHA Best Book in Canadian Business History Award

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