Call for Papers – Business History journal

The academic journal Business History, published by Routledge, is preparing a Special Issue on Varieties of Capitalism.  There is the potential for Canadian business historians to make a contribution to this literature by writing a paper for this special issue.

This call for papers seeks to consider how varieties of capitalism evolve in relation to government-business relations, building on and extending recent work by Thomas and Westerhuis on networks of firm governance and national economic models (2014), by elucidating how business-government relations affect the development and promulgation of different types of varieties of capitalism.

The journal welcomes innovative submissions that combine empirical studies with conceptual literature both on business-government relations and national economic models (including different conceptualisations of national and regional economies). Submissions may adopt a local, regional, and/or national, foci. Whilst we welcome submissions focusing on any country, we particularly encourage those covering relatively under-researched regional models of capitalism (such as Eastern European, African and Latin American areas). All manuscripts will be expected to demonstrate an active engagement with historical approaches and methods, conceptual models, and be based on substantive use of historical sources (public and private archives, oral history and other personal narratives). Articles that engage with both the political science and business history fields are particularly welcome.

Abstracts of articles of up to 1,000 words should be submitted by 30 April 2018 via ScholarOne.  

Visit HERE for more information.

Call for Papers – Business History journal

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