Canadian Business History Association/l’association canadienne pour l’histoire des affaires Is Formed

history2In May, 2015 a group of academics and archivists met to create a new Canadian organization to further the study of business's role in society - the CBHA/ACHA.

A partnership among interested parties from academia and business, including archivists, the CBHA/ACHA will significantly strengthen the field of Canadian business history, engage Canadian business historians with scholars from around the world, nurture a new generation of emerging academics interested in the field, and provide opportunities for networking between the academic and business communities.

The specific aims of CBHA/ACHA include encouraging more studies of enterprise by Canadians and in Canada, helping build and maintain well-structured and open business archives, providing those who study business history a forum for discussing their research with those who practice business, and in general encouraging the study and teaching of business history in Canada.

Membership in the association will include individuals, firms, and associations.

The CBHA/ACHA intends to hold its first general meeting in October 2015, at which time it will combine a symposium on business history associations in the world, business history in Canada, and its first Annual Meeting of Members.

A Steering Committee has been established to lay the groundwork for the structure of the organization and rules.  These issues, as well as the name of the organization and members of the Board, will be approved at this first meeting.

Canadian Business History Association/l’association canadienne pour l’histoire des affaires Is Formed

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